Je suis allée à Paris!
very very last minute
i decided to go to Paris on Thursday night
after the financial seminar
i ran to the train station and bought the ticket to Paris to meet my sister~

At 20:10, i arrived in Paris
went to my sister's home directly

Pork with potatoes and rice>
it is sooooo YUMMY!
when we were eating dinner, we were also watching

it is a nice movie, i like it!
we played NDSL and chatted a lot, also with my sister's roommate - momo 姊
how a nice Friday night!!!!
The next day
we went to Taiwanese restaurant - Zenzoo
it is another reason why i went to Paris

總覺得這張有一種feeling.... 恩....這樣有好一點 XD
姊~ 你的嘴巴怎麼了?!

my god, there r so many Japanese restaurants....
Montreux is really a countryside....

wahaha, this is SO delicious!
好久沒吃到了....小菜好有台灣味 還有榨菜可以配麵~

很好吃 但是他非常的後悔為什麼不點鳳梨蝦球!

珍珠有好吃到 不過這樣小小一杯要價 4.5 EU (差不多台幣兩百塊)

整個有撐到 好飽好飽 好滿足~
但是因為票價有點貴 Jianing & Elaine 就沒來巴黎跟我會合
所以就當了一天假觀光客 XD

The statue of Saint Michael atop the fountain in the Place Saint-Michel at the northern end of the Boulevard Saint-Michel
- Wikipedia
very very last minute
i decided to go to Paris on Thursday night
after the financial seminar
i ran to the train station and bought the ticket to Paris to meet my sister~

At 20:10, i arrived in Paris
went to my sister's home directly

Pork with potatoes and rice>
it is sooooo YUMMY!

when we were eating dinner, we were also watching

it is a nice movie, i like it!

we played NDSL and chatted a lot, also with my sister's roommate - momo 姊
how a nice Friday night!!!!
The next day
we went to Taiwanese restaurant - Zenzoo
it is another reason why i went to Paris

總覺得這張有一種feeling.... 恩....這樣有好一點 XD

姊~ 你的嘴巴怎麼了?!

my god, there r so many Japanese restaurants....
Montreux is really a countryside....

wahaha, this is SO delicious!
好久沒吃到了....小菜好有台灣味 還有榨菜可以配麵~

很好吃 但是他非常的後悔為什麼不點鳳梨蝦球!

珍珠有好吃到 不過這樣小小一杯要價 4.5 EU (差不多台幣兩百塊)

整個有撐到 好飽好飽 好滿足~

但是因為票價有點貴 Jianing & Elaine 就沒來巴黎跟我會合
所以就當了一天假觀光客 XD

The statue of Saint Michael atop the fountain in the Place Saint-Michel at the northern end of the Boulevard Saint-Michel
- Wikipedia